Capitalising on the hole created by a ban on the well-liked Player Unknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG) mobile video game from Chinese internet company Tencent, an Indian company is getting ready to release a battle royale video game in collaboration with Bollywood star Akshay Kumar. According to co-founder Vishal Gondal of Bengaluru-based nCore Games, the company will release its Fearless and United: Guards (FAU-G) game by the end of October. The Core Gaming Company also announced that 20% of its net profits would go to a state-sponsored trust that aids the families of troops killed in the line of duty.
According to Gondal, actor Akshay Kumar, the son of an army officer who is well known for supporting the cause of Indian soldiers and was instrumental in establishing the trust, also contributed to the game's premise.
Gondal stated that "He (Kumar) came up with the title of the game, FAU-G," and that he anticipated gaining 200 million users in a calendar year.
This game has been in development for a while, Gondal stated. In fact, Galwan Valley served as the inspiration for the game's opening level. The debut of FAU-G also occurs at a time when anti-Chinese sentiment is at an all-time high in India, with businessmen and businesspeople backing Prime Minister Narendra Modi's call for a "atma-nirbhar" or self-reliant India.
Waiting 🤗🤗