What is the meaning of map drive in Windows 2000, benefits and steps for mapping a network drive?



A mapped drive is just a shortcut to a drive that's physically located on a different computer.

    Mapping a drive simply means to connect a local drive with a specially allocated shared directory or folder on another computer. After a drive has been mapped, you can access the shared resource and treat it as if it’s located locally on your own computer. More than one computer may map their drives to this shared resource and take advantage of this networked space. 

    Does it sound very complicated? Believe me it’s not and right below we show you how you can quickly set it up and the uses to put it to.

How to map a drive?

Step 1. To connect a drive from My Computer, click on Start, right-click My Computer, and then click Explore. Alternatively, to connect a drive from Windows Explorer, right-click on Start, and then click Explore.

The Map Network Drive dialog gives you brief on the process as you can see from the screenshot below:

Step 2. Select a drive letter from the dropdown that you want to use to connect to the shared folder. Enter the UNC path to the shared folder on the other computer. UNC path is just a special naming convention for pointing to a folder or printer on another computer.  UNC names consist of three parts – a server name, a share name, and an optional file path (to access sub-directories if any). These three are brought together using backslashes in this format is: \\server name\share name.

Step 3. More conveniently, you can also click Browse to find the computer and shared resource on your network. This is useful when you don’t know the name of the folder. You can expand the Microsoft Network and then each computer one-by-one to see the shared folders.

Step 4. Select Reconnect at login checkbox if you want the network drive to be connected permanently. Otherwise, the drive you created will ‘un-map’ when you log out of the computer.

Step 5. The networked computer with the shared folder might require a different username and password to log in.  Click the different user name link and enter this information the username and password.

Clicking on Finish completes the mapping process.


·         Perfect for storing large files, or large collections of files, somewhere else that has more hard drive space.

·         You can back up data not only from your local computer but also any file you're accessing through a mapped drive.

·         Multiple people can share access to the same files. This means data can be shared among co-workers or family members without the need to send emails back and forth when they're updated or changed.


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